Millimetre-wave and Microwave Components Design Framework for Ground and Space Multimedia Network

Título del proyecto: Millimetre-wave and Microwave Components Design Framework for Ground and Space Multimedia Network (Acrónimo: MMCODEF)
Entidad financiadora: Comunidad Europea (V Programa Marco, Human Potential Research Training Networks)
Ref. HPRN-CT-2000-00043
Entidades participantes: IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi (Italia), Bosch Telecom (Alemania), European Space Research and Technology Centre of European Space Agency (Holanda), Electromagnetics Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Suiza), TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory (Holanda), Technical University of Darmstadt (Alemania), Università di Pavia (Italia), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España), Universidad de Valencia (España)
Duración: 01/10/2000 – 31/03/2004
Investigador responsable: Dr. Vicente E. Boria Esbert (Subproyecto Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Número de investigadores participantes: 9 (Subproyecto Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), 59 (Proyecto)

Abstract: The project of this Research Training Network was essentially focused on the development of techniques and software tools for the efficient analysis and design of complex passive waveguide components, widely used in satellite payloads. These research activities were mainly devoted to filters, diplexers and multiplexers for space applications, but they were also applied to other passive hardware such as power dividers, multi-aperture couplers and ortho-mode transducers. As a direct consequence of this project execution, an enhanced version of the well-known ESA software tool called FEST 3D was obtained. This software package is presently used by many European (and all-over-the-world) microwave hardware manufacturing companies in order to design their commercial products. The main contribution of UPV in this project was the introduction of a module into the software for the accurate and efficient characterization of passive devices based on arbitrarily shaped waveguides.